Our Service Provides
- For Diversity
- A point of contact for women and young women in need of support, information, counselling and/or referral to other services.
- Information and resources, including a library, on issues and services specific to all women’s needs, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, and women from non-English speaking backgrounds.
- Therapeutic Group Programs, Educational and Personal Development workshops, courses and Information sessions in relation to women’s Emotional and Mental Health Issues.
- Counselling in all areas specific to women.
- An Indigenous Family Support Worker; sensitive to the needs of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and South Sea Islander women.
We provide a free confidential counselling service by qualified counsellors using a range of therapeutic models.
Women are supported in a safe, caring and welcoming environment, to address any issues that affect women, ensuring that all women have their individual needs met, and where necessary are provided with supported referrals, to welfare and other services, as required.
This is a client directed process, where you the woman, decide and direct both the course of therapy and other services you require.
The Wide Bay Women’s Health Centre is about positive personal and social growth. This growth encourages women to take control of their lives and participate in making decisions which affect their wellbeing.
We provide Information, education, referrals and support services that include cultural differences.
The centre also co-ordinates Indigenous Women’s educational, social and emotional well-being programs in partnership with local Indigenous services and other Organisations in the community.
We also offer a range of educational workshops for personal development, safety and emotional well-being.
Topics include:
Anger management, Anxiety and depression, Bullying, Coping with Change, Empowerment, Grief and loss, parenting, Relationships, Resilience, Personal Safety and Tree of Life.
Women are encouraged to be part of the Centre by joining our membership. The cost is $5 per year and entitles members to free use of the Centre’s library, bi-monthly newsletters mailed to your address, notification and invitations to Annual and General Meetings and having your say.