Wide Bay Women’s Health Centre

In 1989 a group of women concerned at the lack of resources available for women in the Hervey Bay and Maryborough region formed The Wide Bay Women’s Health Centre

I acknowledge the ‘Butchulla’ people Traditional Custodians of the land on which I work, travel, play and live. I pay my respects to their Elders, their Ancestors and Future Generations.

Butchulla Lore

Minyang galangoor gu, djaa kalim baya-m
(what is good for the land must come first).

Minyang waa nyinang, waa bunmalee dhama-n
(do not touch or take anything that does not belong to you).

Wangou nyin gamindu biralunbar, nyin wama-n
(if you have plenty, you must share).

Important Notice

The Centre is closed due to flooding, until further notice.

Telephone counselling will be provided to existing clients.

Unfortunately, we are not able to offer any hardship assistance during this time.

Our broad diversity enriches us and gives us the strength to provide the best service to our clients and community.

The Centre has a clear goal to improve the quality of life for women in Queensland by providing a range of health services, empowering women, and improving their physical and emotional health. In addition to this, the Centre offers confidential services on all aspects of women’s health, sexual assault counselling, information and referral services, self-development groups and workshops, as well as assistance, information and referral on domestic violence issues.

Wide Bay Women’s Health Center

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Wide Bay Women’s Health Center

We enthusiastically embrace women of all ages, cultures, beliefs, identities, and abilities.

We revere the inherent dignity and worth of each individual and strive to show kindness and consideration to all. We are honest, open and responsible in our work and in forming trusting relationships.

The centre provides

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We wish to acknowledge the support of our funders and donors who help us to support ALL women.